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Aseptic vitrification of blastocysts from infertile
patients, egg donors and after IVM
Dr Pierre Vanderzwalmen
After graduating in biotechnology and biochemistry, Pierre Vanderzwalmen entered the field
of embryology in 1978 in the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Liege, Belgium. He then
joined the team of Dr Massip, developing vitrification techniques. In 1989, he moved to the
Schoysman Infertility Management Foundation where he spent 14 years, during which time
the laboratory obtained the first TESE baby. At present, he is coordinating the scientific IVF
activities in the Institute of Professor Zech in Bregenz, Austria and of Professor Lejeune in
CHIREC, Belgium. His current research interests focus on vitrification of oocytes and
embryos, on selection of spermatozoa and embryo culture techniques.
P Vanderzwalmen1,2,3,5,9, F Ectors2, L Grobet3, Y Prapas4, Y Panagiotidis4, S Vanderzwalmen5, A Stecher1,
P Frias6, J Liebermann7, NH Zech1,8
1IVF Centers Prof. Zech, Bregenz, Austria; 2FNRS, GIGA Transgenic Platform, University of Lie` ge, Lie` ge, Belgium;
3GIGA-Research, University of Lie` ge, Lie` ge, Belgium; 4Iakentro IVF Centre, Thessaloniki, Greece; 5Centre Hospitalier
Inter Re´ gional Cavell (CHIREC), Braine l’Alleud – Bruxelles, Belgium; 6Fertility and Sterility National Center
(CENALFES), Cochabamba, Bolivia; 7Fertility Centers of Illinois, Chicago, IL, USA; 8Unit of Gynecological
Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, University of Graz, Austria;
9Correspondence: e-mail:
During embryo vitrification, it is advisable that cooling and storage should occur in a carrier device in which there is
complete separation of the embryos from liquid nitrogen to ensure asepsis. The consequence of a reduction in the
cooling rate resulting from the heat-insulating barrier aseptic devices has to be counteracted by gradually increasing
intracellular concentrations of cryoprotectants without inducing a toxic effect. Blastocysts originating from couples
with male and/or female factor infertility (group 1) or from oocyte donors (group 2) or from in-vitro matured
oocytes (group 3) were gradually exposed to increasing concentrations of dimethylsulphoxide/ethylene glycol
(5/5%, 10/10% and 20/20%) before aseptic vitrification using a specially designed carrier (VitriSafe), a modification
of the open hemi-straw plug device. A total of 120 aseptic vitrification/warming cycles were performed in group 1, 91
in group 2 and 22 in group 3. Survival rates before embryo transfer, ongoing pregnancy and implantation rates were
as follows: for group 1, 73, 43 and 26%; for group 2, 88, 53 and 34%; and for group 3, 69, 50 and 38%, respectively.
In spite of reduced cooling rates due to aseptic vitrification conditions, a three-step exposure to cryoprotectant solutions
protects the embryos effectively from cryo-injuries and guaranties high survival rates.
: egg donation, embryo carrier device, human blastocyst, in-vitro maturationIntroduction
Vitrification is a cryopreservation procedure by which solutions
are converted into a glass-like amorphous solid, free
of any crystalline structures. After the initial application
of vitrification to cleaving embryos (
Mukaida et al., 1998)or blastocysts in closed 0.25 ml insemination straws (
Yokotaet al.
, 2001; Vanderzwalmen et al., 2002), the trend wasto increase significantly the cooling and warming rates from
<2000C/min to >20,000C/min in order to reduce the likelihood
of lethal ice-crystal formation in the crystalline
phase (
Lane et al., 1999). Several embryo carrier devices(open systems) were therefore designed (
Vajta and Nagy,2006
) in a way to allow a direct contact of the biologicalsample with liquid nitrogen in order to permit cooling of
embryos instantaneously below the glass transition temperature
where cells are captured in an amorphous state.
Under such ultra-rapid cooling conditions, a vitrified state
is obtained even if embryos are exposed for only a very
short period of time to high concentrations of the cryoprotectant
solutions. This allows the extraction of intracellular
water while limiting the amount of cryoprotectant permeating
into the cells. During the warming process, the open
devices allow for instantaneous release of cryopreserved
Online - Vol 19. No 5. 2009 700–707 Reproductive BioMedicine Online; on web 28 September 20092009 Published by Reproductive Healthcare Ltd, Duck End Farm, Dry Drayton, Cambridge CB23 8DB, UK
Author's personal copy
embryos into a diluting solution. In this way, extremely
high warming rates (>20,000C/min) can be achieved and
the recrystallization phenomenon avoided. Most publications
on the clinical application of ultra-rapid vitrification
have mainly focused on the blastocyst stage (
Lane et al.,1999; Son
et al., 2002; Mukaida et al., 2003; Vanderzwalmenet al.
, 2003; Hiraoka et al., 2004; Huang et al., 2005;Kuwayama
et al., 2005; Stehlik et al., 2005; Takahashi et al.,2005; Liebermann and Tucker, 2006; Balaban
et al., 2008).Although satisfactory results were reported, one major
drawback to the ultra-rapid cooling process is the possible
risk of bacterial as well as viral contamination of the biological
sample during the cooling process as well as during
long-term storage (
Bielanski, 2005; Morris, 2005). However,the question of contamination during storage in liquid
nitrogen remains debatable (
Kyuwa et al., 2003). Nevertheless,a European Parliament directive on tissues and cells
European Union, 2004), and the revised version (EuropeanUnion, 2006
), has defined medical safety requirements forthe cryopreservation of human cells. In view of the issues
raised by this directive, it was imperative to revise this study
centre’s ultra-rapid vitrification procedure (
Vanderzwalmenet al.
, 2002, 2003) and to develop a new vitrification techniqueensuring total protection and isolation of the sample
from the liquid nitrogen during the cooling procedure as
well as during long-term storage
.Hermetically closed containers (closed systems) have already
been developed to vitrify mice and human oocytes and
embryos (
Kuleshova and Shaw, 2000; Walker et al., 2004;Isachenko
et al., 2005, 2007; Kuwayama et al., 2005; Larmanet al.
, 2006; Stachecki et al., 2008). Kuwayama et al. (2005)developed the Cryotip device, allowing isolation of
biological material from liquid nitrogen. In the first report,
et al. (2005) showed similar pregnancy ratesafter vitrification of blastocysts in an open (53% with the
Cryotop device) and in a closed system (51% with
the Cryotip device). Nevertheless, in a more recent paper,
the superiority of the open Cryotop system was recognized
Kuwayama, 2007). At present, the clinical application ofthe Cryotip device remains sporadic and ultra-rapid vitrification
with the Cryotop device is still the method of choice
in the majority of assisted reproduction laboratories.
Stachecki et al. (2008) reported encouragingresults after vitrification of human blastocysts in closed
0.25 ml straws. After warming, a survival rate of 89% was
obtained. Out of 43 transfers, clinical pregnancy and implantation
rates of 60% and 45% were recorded, respectively.
Therefore, to achieve maximal survival rates with hermetically
sealed and thus aseptic embryo carriers, the problem
relating to the heat-insulating barrier, which dramatically
reduces the speed of cooling from >20,000C/min to
<2000C/min, has to be solved.
Since the probability of fixing the intracellular parts into a
glass-like state depends on the cooling–rewarming speeds
and the concentration of cryoprotectant (
Yavin and Arav,2007
), it is obvious that the risk of ice-crystal formation willincrease if the cells have not been exposed long enough to
cryoprotectant solutions. Consequently, the decrease in
the speed of cooling and rewarming, as observed with aseptic
devices, has to be compensated by higher intracellular
concentrations of cryoprotectant. As a consequence, aseptic
cooling, by which the embryos are shielded from liquid
nitrogen, may have an adverse effect on embryo survival
after warming if the embryos are not exposed sufficiently
to the cryoprotectants at the beginning of the procedure.
The initial aim of this study was to construct an aseptic
embryo carrier device easy to handle and guaranteeing
medical safety of vitrified human embryos. With the aim
of achieving adequate intracellular vitrified conditions
before aseptic cooling without inducing cell toxicity, two
parameters regarding the optimum cryoprotectant concentration
and the adequate exposure time to the different cryoprotectants
were studied. Finally, this study reports
further on the results of the clinical application of aseptic
vitrification of blastocysts originating from couples with
male and/or female factor infertility or from oocyte donors
and also after in-vitro maturation (IVM).
Materials and methods
The development of an aseptic vitrification technique was
performed after informed consent on supernumary human
blastocysts that were not eligible for a fresh embryo transfer
or for ultra-rapid vitrification.
The embryo carrier device: the VitriSafe
The VitriSafe (VitriMed, Austria) is an aseptic embryo carrier
device specifically designed for the study centre, based
on a modification of the open hemi-straw plug device (
Vanderzwalmenet al.
, 2003). It consists of a large gutter inwhich a small quantity of cryoprotectant (<1
ll) containingthe blastocysts can be deposited (
Figure 1). Before plungingthe biological material into liquid nitrogen, the VitriSafe is
inserted into a high-security 0.3 ml straw (Cryo Bio System,
France). Welding of both edges of the outer protective straw
took place before being plunged into liquid nitrogen. This
ensures a hermetic isolation of the sample. Under these conditions,
the cooling rate decreased from above 20,000C/
min to less than 1300C/min. Measurement of the cooling
rate was carried out between 20 and 120C with a very
thin thermocouple (Digital thermometer GMH 3230; Greisinger
Electronic, Germany) introduced in a small drop
located in a 0.3 ml straw (Cryo Bio System).
For warming, the top of the outer straw is cut and the Vitri-
Safe device is removed without contact with the liquid
nitrogen. In order to achieve an ultra-rapid warming rate
of >20,000C/min, the tip of the gutter containing the biological
material is instantaneously immersed into the dilution
Solutions used for vitrification and dilution
after warming
Three non-vitrifying solutions (NVS), 2.5/2.5, 5/5 and
10/10 NVS and one vitrification solution (20/20 VS) were
Article - Aseptic vitrification of blastocysts -
P Vanderzwalmen et al.RBMOnline